Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Let me enjoy the cup you offered brimming with love,slowly
Let me get intoxicated sipping it unhurriedly.

You came into my life,

when it was abandoned by life itself,

& stood like ruins.

You laid the foundation of love,gradually,

brick by brick,

consisting of patience & devotion.

The walls had gathered moss & had lost their lustre

your deft strokes left multitudinous colors on them

The doors to my heart were sealed by fate

yet you could pass through them as ether passes through everything

You let open the windows of my mind

&filled me with thoughts of happiness, long forgotten.

No one, except me, can understand you,

because all wanted to tether you & enslave you to their emotions.

I gave you the gift of freedom,

to think & act like a child,

leaving me smiling...

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