Thursday, March 18, 2010

Journey of a River

Many times I found the life is pulling me back. There are many mistakes done by me. The life , relations, society may pointed out my acts and questioned my often. I felt stressed and try to find out the answer of the question where I am lacking. The severe emotion that I have may be pulling me back!

I asked my self “why I am so?”

People have enough strength and control over their life & why I am not like them”. I was upset with the fact. I tried to find out the answer. And, suddenly someone gave me the answer. “you are not like that because you are like a river. Not like any mountain, rock or any other thing”.

And I understand :

The work of the river is to flow , and never to stop. Till it reaches its final destination of the Supreme Soul, and then merges in it forever, losing its own identity. When the river flows, it is full of life. Wherever it flows though, it gives life, spreads greenery & good cheer. Near its banks we find cities and towns – pulsating with life. How much a river helps in building life. You just have to take a dip in it and it cools not just your body but your mind & soul too.

Boats sail on the river. She helps people to reach their destination. But river cannot be like rock all the time with same strength. Hence sometimes she dries up, looses its rhythm, harmony. But again she fills up with water, gains momentum. Starts flowing with the same joy. Yes sometimes she gets angry also. Destroys its bank, forces of her emotion, blow up the materials from its banks and bed. She becomes heavy with the dirt and soils she destroyed. But after some time again she fills up with water and deposits those soils to some other place to make new banks and reduces her own burden.

The river never keeps account of who benefitted from it, who took advantage of it. If she starts to keep an account, then when will she flow? When will its journey be complete? She has some responsibility for herself, which she is bound to complete. Even if she has to suffer in this journey of life, she continues to march forward with her inner strength. Many a people have dumped garbage in her, corpses have floated in it, burdens have increased, yet she precedes smilingly spreading good cheer. She leaves aside the junk and moves forward with her confidence.
It has innate strength to sink a rock too.
God made me like that and for that purpose. And at the end of the day.. I will finish my journey and merge with Sea ( Anant Jeeveevan)


  1. Thanks Jaya di for such a nice write up . The way you have metamorphosized life into the course of river is really appreciable.

    I was just what my life is all about . The only answer that came to my mind is Sand. Like sand , which is always at the banks of the flowing river or the sea , just flowing with its course and wandering from here at there without any goal or an identity . At
    least the river has some identity which it loses and gains depending upon its motion and rains .. but i am all dispersed in grains ..
    :-) :-)

  2. Beautiful piece and loved it.

    To my mind a river also does not conform to anything or someone's wishes. And I like that too.

    It has a general direction of its destination but not definite.

    It collaborates with other rivers to sustain the flow and also helps others by bifurcating at times.

    It breaks banks not because it is angry but to flow or glide with the minimum effort.

    A river is not aware of any mistakes since she does what is necessary to be done not live by what others want it to do, which is the greatest mistake in life.

    It is original and authentic. No river looks or flows like the other.

    And that is a great mental model to follow.
